5/12/2015: Resizing Graphs
I've deployed another update which includes the ability to resize graphs to better fit your screen. Just move your mouse to the right side, bottom or corner of the chart box. The cursor will change. Click and drag to the size you want
5/10/2015: New Site Ready
The software update has been deployed.
From now on, use the following link to reach the club stats page
It is essentially the same as the silverlight version that you've been using since 2009.
Please report any problems to frankmullin@charter.net.
5/8/2015: New Stats Version
I will shortly be releasing a new version of the stats website.
Background. The Microsoft Silverlight technology was used as a central part of the current version of the website. That seemed like a great idea back in 2009 when the site was developed. But things change and, with the advent of HTML-5, Microsoft slowly backed away from supporting Silverlight. Recently NetFlix abandond Silverlight for this reason. A few weeks ago I discovered the Google's Chrome would no longer support Silverlight sites. As a result I notified most of you that you would need to use some browser other than Chrome if you wanted to continue posting your stats.
Now What? I've spent the last several weeks preparing a new version that no longer requires Silverlight. When I started, I assumed that the new version would no longer provide charts. Personally, that would be a real loss, because I love to look at the different charts that are provided (and there are a lot of them). But as I worked on the update, I learned that there were some libraries that I could use that would produce some beautiful graphs. I decided to use the HighCharts technology. There are a few things they don't provide, but they do some other things better than the graphs I produced. All in all, I'm quite happy with the situation.
Anyhow, I will post another news item in a few days that will tell you how to switch to the new site. Depending upon the link that you currently use to get to the site, this changeover may happen automatically. For others (like me), you'll need to change the link to the new one I'll send.
Now with anything new, there is certain to be some unexpected "features" that cause problems. I request that you let me know of any of these, as well as any suggestions you have to make the service more useful to you.
9/18/2009: How do I EDIT or DELETE an activity?
After you login, go to the Table in your Tab
Click the month with the activity.
Then click the DATE of the activity you want to change.
This brings up the EDIT ACTIVITY form where you can make your changes.
9/3/2009: New Members
If you are trying to sign up to add your stats and you encounter problems, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
There is a lot of stuff that only runs when a new member signs up. This stuff doesn't get tested very often. Moreover, this body of code was impacted by the work to add customization. All of which indicates it is more likely to have problems.
Recently some one tried unsuccessfully to sign up. I think I've fixed the problem, so try again.
1/9/2005: Conversion "Service"
If you are new to this site, have been using a spreadsheet to record your statistics, and would like these stats posted here, I may be able to convert them. Send your file to me (FrankMullin@Charter.Net) and I'll see what I can do. Actually, this applies to all users, not just the new ones. One thing I like (of course I am biased) is the year-to-year comparisons